Noise r'us # 160 "face on" (Juillet 2021)
Bonne écoute:
Playlist 160:
*Century Egg - Do You Want To Dance "Little Piece Of Hair" (Forward Music Group 2021)
*Bad Bad Bird - Voudras-tu m'adorer? "Voudras-tu m'adorer?" (single)
*Hickeys - Motherlode (single) (Autoproduction 2021)
*Sarrazy Rochelle - Talking to Malkovich "Cyclotimic Songs" (Les disques Linoleum / Inouïe Distribution 2021)
*/A\ - Grain Sand and Mud "/A\" (Hummus Records / Two Gentlemen 2021)
*Dead - Ice Sky "Dreams (Extented)" (Kdb Records 2021)
*Whispering Sons - Flood "Several Others (Pias 2021)
*Pink Room - Losing "Putain Royale" (Six Tonnes de Chair Records / Rockerill Records / ZoeZoe Records 2021)
*Civic - Back to Tou "Future Forecast" (Flightless Records 2021)
*De Press - Kalhoz "Block To Block" (1981) Apollon Records re-issues 2021)
*De Press - In A Crowded Room "Product" (1982) Apollon Records re-issues 2021)
*Serpent - Home Caducat "Amb la rancúnia pròpia d'un lletraferit" (Bcore Disc 2021)
*Tenace - Les Souffles et Nos Chemins "Des Marques sur Nos Mains" (Itawak Records / Nuisances Records... 2021)
*Sordide - L'atrabilaire "Les Idées blanches" (Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Productions / WV Sorcerer Productions 2021)
*Tzar - Zerbait Esateko Gai "Vol.1" (HaginaRec 2021)
*Kollapse - Drif "Sult" (Fysisk Format / Virkelighedsfjern / Dinglebery Records / Maniyax Records 2021)
*Blessings - A Belly Full Of Stones "Biskopskniven" (Pelagic Records 2021)
*Edredon Sensible - Just a Lovely Walk in the Sky "Vloute Panthere" (Les Productions du Vendredi 2021)
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